Tuesday 25 August 2015

Saturday 22nd August - Final evaluation, Desert and last pizza night

Saturday 22nd

On Saturday we woke up sad knowing that the camp had passed by really fast and that we had to join for the last camp evaluation and to pack our luggages.

Most of us decided to buy Libera products to bring them back home and share them with our family and friends as well as gadgets from the association to spread this name into world.

Our super cookers Arturo and Macca prepared a special lunch mixing their spanish and italian recepies and the result was a perfect melting pot.

In the afternoon Libera turned the camp into a "Desert" where we were asked to spend a couple of hours by our own, spreading in the fields, so that we could reflect on our personal experience guided by some quotes and questions that we had to ask to ourselves. Some of us wrote a letter to themselves.

The sharing of our thoughts was held in the very suggestive cellar of the house, a place that the staff had hidden to us until that moment, where we discovered a wonderful exposition on the history of mafia in Italy. The huge library covering two entires walls behind our backs held the sories of the 990 victims of Mafia in Italy. The result of this sharing time was an explosion of feelings and thoughts.

We celebrated the end of the camp with the most wonderful pizza party that nobody wanted to end.

Friday 21st August - Glass making, Libera and the international topics

Friday 21st August

On Friday morning we had the Handycraft laboratory: we made glasses from the bottom of some recyled bottles. Libera will sell some of our pieces of art at their Christmas market in Turin.

In the afternoon we met Giulia from the staff of Libera International who proposed some activities on the Human Rights Declaration and then she told us about some international projects managed by Libera International in South America and in Europe.

At night Ufuk and Gamze offered us a delicious Turkish dinner.

More over we continued discussing about Mafia until late with the help of Thomas, a member of Libera international, who facilitated a brain storming about the topic.

Friday 21 August 2015

Thursday 20th August - Working, Gambling discussion, Bees counting and amazing Libera dinner night

Every morning the bell's ring is fading a bit more in the haze of our sleep, and getting to work today was more traumatizing than ever.

Despite every expectation, the painting of the living room and the cleaning of the slopes garden were gloriously concluded but the volunteers were not looking for fame, and a good rest was all they needed.

Many of us chose to go back to their beds in the afternoon but others, maybe wiser, watched the movie Cento Passi, the true story of Peppino Impastato, a young sicilian journalist killed by the Mafia in 1978.

We then had to talk about our gambling experience during the previous night and a special guest from Libera held a presentation about game addiction issues in Italy.

Finally most of us were awaken enough to be welcomed in the bees hives. Tex introduced us to the bees family and we kneeled before the Queen, one eye looking at the honey cells full of promises.

For dinner we were delighted with the products grown in confiscated lands all around Italy, where Libera is at work: red wine, dried tomatos, 'paté d'olive', 'farinata' and a soup of 'cicerchie'.

During the meal, two musicians from our big host family played some italians and spanish songs about immigration and hard working conditions.

Moreover, our ballad singer Ramona read us true stories related to the theme, taking our breath away by bringing these testimonials back to life and initiating a deep reflection in the audience's hearts and minds.


When my father died I was 23 years old. It was me that night who went down in the street, called by the porter, to see my dad on the asphalt - nothing could be done for him - and to take the screaming dog before going to give the news to my mom. It was the 26th of June 1983.
These 30 years from the killing are for us a terrible date, because they bring us back to these terrible days and at the same time move us to act so that this time has not passed in vain.We have to remember, but in an active way, trying to actualize what happened and to see in relation to what has happened at the meantime. From this point of view this year we asked in an open-letter that this anniversary can serve to draw new roads to understand in a more complete way the motives that caused that crime.
Bruno Caccia was a simple and cheerful person, who loved his family and the countryside, tennis and mountain, comedians and gardening; he was very curious, when he had a doubt he took the encyclopedia and checked the information; if he was alive he would certainly love the internet.
He was intelligent, prepared and able to do his job, but he never talked about it at home, because of accuracy and discretion. He never praised himself and approached to everybody on equal terms. This is why we never had the perception of the importance of his job for the society, we only knew it later through the report of the newspapers and from the stories of the collegues.
I remember a meeting that our teacher had organized with the fathers of the classes, to tell us their jobs. I remember that I was very worried because my father, that was called judge or councilor or lawyer by who asked for him at home, I did not precisely know what he did, while my classmates' fathers were doctors, teachers, architects, all jobs more normal then the magistrate.
In several events that I have attended to remember him, if asked, I tried to tell how was him at home, his humour, the interest for our school day, to remind that all the martyrs of justice are always common people that unfortunately have to pay a high price to do their job. If someone asks me which values did my father transmit to me, I always think about two main things: that responsability is personal, so the bad behavior of the others does not justify mine; that duty is a simple thing: it must be done, so you do it. Obvious things, but that if were put in practice by everybody could actually move mountains.

Solo voy con mi pena
Sola va mi condena
Correr es mi destino
Para burlar la ley
Perdido en el corazon
De la grande Babylon
Me dicen el clandestino
Por no llevar papel
Pa una ciudad del norte
Yo me fui a trabajar
Mi vida la dejé
Entre Ceuta y Gibraltar
Soy una raya en el mar
Fantasma en la ciudad
Mi vida va prohibida
dice la autoridad
Solo voy con mi pena
Sola va mi condena
Correr es mi destino
Por no llevar papel
Perdido en el corazon
De la grande Babylon
Me dicen el clandestino
Yo soy el quiebra ley
Mano Negra clandestina
Peruano clandestino
Africano clandestino
Marijuana ilegal
Solo voy con mi pena
Sola va mi condena
Correr es mi destino
Para burlar la ley
Perdido en el corazn
De la grande Babylon
Me dicen el clandestino
Por no llevar papel
Argelino clandestino
Nijeriano clandestino
Boliviano clandestino
Mano Negra ilegal

Sono nata dove la pioggia porta ancora il profumo dell'ebano
Una terra là dove il cemento ancora non strangola il sole
Tutti dicevano che ero bella come la grande notte africana
E nei miei occhi splendeva la luna, mi chiamavano la Perla Nera...

A sedici anni mi hanno venduta, un bacio a mia madre e non mi sono voltata
Nella città con le sue mille luci per un attimo mi sono smarrita...
Così laggiù ho ben presto imparato che i miei sogni eran solo illusioni
E se volevo cercare fortuna dovevo lasciare ogni cosa

Jack O's bar, Parade hotel, from me une

Spesi tutto quello che avevo per il viaggio e per i miei documenti
A palermo nel '94 eravamo più di cento giù al porto...
Raccoglievo le arance e i limoni in un grande campo in collina
Lavoravo fino a notte inoltrata per due soldi e una stanza nascosta


It's a long long night
It's a long long time
It's a long long road

Poi un giorno sono scappata verso Bologna con poca speranza
Da un'amica mi sono fermata, in cerca di nuova fortuna
Ora porto stivali coi tacchi e la pelliccia leopardata
E tutti sanno che la Perla Nera rende felici con poco...

Jack O's bar, Parade hotel, for me une
It's a long long night
It's a long long time
It's a long long road

Perciò se passate a Bologna, ricordate qual è la mia storia
Lungo i viali verso la sera, ai miei sogni non chiedo più nulla

E' nato nella terra dei vespri e degli aranci, tra Cinisi e Palermo parlava alla sua radio..
Negli occhi si leggeva la voglia di cambiare, la voglia di Giustizia che lo portò a lottare..
Aveva un cognome ingombrante e rispettato, di certo in quell'ambiente da lui poco onorato..
Si sa dove si nasce ma non come si muore e non se un'ideale ti porterà dolore..
"Ma la tua vita adesso puoi cambiare solo se sei disposto a camminare,
gridando forte senza aver paura
contando cento passi lungo la tua strada"..
Allora.. 1,2,3,4,5,10,100 passi! (x4 volte)

"Noi ci dobbiamo ribellare" (dal film)

Poteva come tanti scegliere e partire, invece lui decise di restare..
Gli amici, la politica, la lotta del partito.. alle elezioni si era candidato..
Diceva da vicino li avrebbe controllati, ma poi non ebbe tempo perchè venne ammazzato..
Il nome di suo padre nella notte non è servito, gli amici disperati non l'hanno più trovato..
"Allora dimmi se tu sai contare, dimmi se sai anche camminare,
contare, camminare insieme a cantare,
la storia di Peppino e degli amici siciliani"
Allora.. 1,2,3,4,5,10,100 passi! (x 4 volte)

Era la notte buia dello Stato Italiano, quella del nove maggio settantotto..
La notte di via Caetani, del corpo di Aldo Moro, l'alba dei funerali di uno stato..
"Allora dimmi se tu sai contare, dimmi se sai anche camminare,
contare, camminare insieme a cantare,
la storia di Peppino e degli amici siciliani"..
Allora.. 1,2,3,4,5,10,100 passi!(x 4 volte)

"E' solo un mafioso, uno dei tanti" 

"E' nostro padre" "Mio padre! La mia famiglia! Il mio paese!
Io voglio fottermene!Io voglio scrivere che la mafia è una montagna di merda!
Io voglio urlare!"

Io mi chiamo Pasquale Cafiero
e son brigadiero del carcere oinè
io mi chiamo Cafiero Pasquale
sto a Poggioreale dal '53
e al centesimo catenaccio
alla sera mi sento uno straccio
per fortuna che al braccio speciale
c'è un uomo geniale che parla co' mme.
Tutto il giorno con quattro infamoni
briganti, papponi, cornuti e lacchè
tutte ll'ore co' 'sta fetenzia
che sputa minaccia e s' 'a piglia co' mme
ma alla fine m'assetto papale
mi sbottono e mi leggo 'o ggiurnale
mi consiglio con don Raffaè
mi spiega che pensa e bevimm' 'o ccafè.
Ah, che bellu ccafè
pure 'n carcere 'o sanno fà
co' 'a recetta ch'a Cicirinella
compagno di cella ci ha dato mammà.
Prima pagina venti notizie
ventuno ingiustizie e lo Stato che fa
si costerna, s'indigna, s'impegna
poi getta la spugna con gran dignità.
Mi scervello. mi asciugo la fronte
per fortuna c'è chi mi risponde
a quell'uomo sceltissimo e immenso
io chiedo consenso, a don Raffaè.
Un galantuomo che tiene sei figli
ha chiesto una casa e ci danno consigli
l'assessore che Dio lo perdoni
'ndentro 'a roulotte ci alleva i visoni.
Voi vi basta una mossa, una voce
c'a `stu Cristo ci leva 'na croce.
Con rispetto, s'è fatto le tre
vulite 'a spremuta o vulite 'o caffè?
Ah, che bellu ccafè
pure 'n carcere 'o sanno fà
co' 'a recetta ch'a Cicirinella
compagno di cella ci ha dato mammà
Ah, che bellu ccafè
pure 'n carcere 'o sanno fà
co' 'a recetta di Cicirinella
compagno di cella precisa a mammà
`Cca ci sta l'inflazione, la svalutazione
e la borsa ce l'ha chi c'è l'ha
io non tengo compendio che chillo stipendio
e un ambo se sogno a papà
Aggiungete mia figlia Innocenza
vuò 'o marito, nun tiene pazienza
non vi chiedo la grazia pé 'mmè
vi faccio la barba o la fate da sè?
Voi tenete un cappotto cammello
che al maxi-processo eravate 'o cchiu bello,
un vestito gessato marrone
così ci è sembrato alla televisione
pe `ste nozze vi prego Eccellenza
mi prestasse pé ffare presenza
io già tengo le scarpe e 'o gilè
gradite 'o Campari o vulite 'o ccafè?
Ah, che bellu ccafè
pure 'n carcere 'o sanno fà
co' 'a recetta ch'a Cicirinella
compagno di cella ci ha dato mammà.
Ah, che bellu ccafè
pure 'n carcere 'o sanno fà
co' 'a ricetta di Cicirinella
compagno di cella preciso a mammà.
Qui non c'è più decoro, le carceri d'oro
ma chi ll'ha mai viste, chissà
cheste sò fatiscenti pé cchisto 'e fetienti
si tengono l'immunità
don Raffaè voi politicamente
io vi giuro sarebbe 'nu santo
ma a'cca dinto voi state a pagà
e fora chist'atre se stanno a spassà.
A proposito, tengo nu frate
che da quindici anni sta disoccupato
chillo ha fatto cinquanta concorsi
novanta domande e duecento ricorsi
voi che date conforto e lavoro,
Eminenza, vi bacio e v'imploro
chillo dorme cu mamma e cu mme
che crema d'Arabia ch'è cchistu ccafè.

The atmosphere was been then lightnened by some crazy dance and finally by the delicious apple pie that our danish delegation prepared.

Wednesday 19 August 2015

Tuesday and Wednesday 18 / 19 - Nut Picking, Georgian dinner, Casinò night

Wednesday 19th August

The nut picking continued the next day as the field was still full of hasslenuts, but since we had had a lot of rain, it make it really difficult to work on the slippery slope, but it was very satisfying to finish the work. 

After lunch the Spanish delegation had prepared an interesting national activity, which brought up the problems of both curruption, immigration and the social problems following the economic crises which has shaken the country. 

We especially talked a lot about the different movements and organisations which appeared after the crisis and which try to make political changes in the country. 

After the discussion we were devided into groups and had to come up with new ideas for social movements that could help the situation in Spain. 

We could then relax and look forward for a nice ddinner made by Georgian Natia ... 

 and a delicious desert by French Arthur.

Then we had the Casinò Night, another role game organized by Libera to give people the chance to talk about one of the most herdest problem in Italy and all over the world: GAMBLING.

As the sun went down, some strange lights lit up on the terasse. Libera staff set up a CASINO night for us. The sound of the money shaking in the dealer's hands made our hearts beat faster as we dressed up. 

Each of us was granted 300 chips, as if it could satisfy our hunger for happiness. Roulette, red dog and chuck'n luck were the instruments of our greed, and some of us turned into chickens, fighting in a cage, among the shouts of their fellow beasts. 

To make our defeat taste sweeter, some french crepes were served between every manipulation of the bank. 

The cries of polices siren stopped the money tranfusion and scattered the parasites as well as their victims.

Tuesday 18th August

For the first time since we arrived at the camp, we all did a piece of work together. 

Time has come to pick the hasslenuts in the field close to Casina Caccia. 

It was a hard work because of all the weed and the amount of trees we had to pick in the sun. However, it really makes you think about all the hasslenuts you have eaten in your life and the great work behind picking them. We filled up an entire barrel in only three hours!

After lunch the people of Libera has organized a "rolegame" called Grey Town - a game which Tex from Libera had invented himself! 

In the game you had to construct your own city and decide whether to focus on eg. industry, wellfare, services or argriculture and try to gain money, or good or bad point. 

In the beginning it was a really complicated game with a lot rules, but after some time it got really intense and we got to understand how to controle a community and interacting with other cityes, as well as how every action has consequenses. 

The game lasted two hours but we could easily have played for many more. 

After this intense day we had a nice dinner prepared by the two Portuguese girl, Ines and Adriana cinsisting of traditional food: Pork with fried pototoes and rice with a special sauce. 

In the evening we had another national activity, which Natia from Georgia and Arthur from France had organized together. 

We learned about the Georgian mafia and the current political problems in France. 

The night ended with a game of "Mafia", where a city experience brutal killing by the Mafia each night and have to figure out who are part of the Mafia group. It was very fun and we spend many hours on this game, with a lot acusations and fun discussions.